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Captures more leads

Get more customers

Website integration that keeps prospects from falling through the cracks.

Web forms that send contacts directly into your CRM

Forms that capture your prospects information is key to making sure consistent follow-up happens each and every time.  No delays, no mistakes, or forgetting to enter someone into the system.

Get styled webforms or have your web developer customize one for you.

Simple Pricing


Unlimited contacts


Quick Start
1 Free Data Migration
Ongoing training for you and your staff
Follow-up templates


Unlimited contacts


per month

Quick Start
1 Free Data Migration
Ongoing training for you and your staff
Follow-up templates

Premium offerings & services available.

Monthly subscriptions start in 30 days.

 For your security, all orders are processed on a secure server.

More members, hands free.

Imagine people getting information, registering online, and automatically booking their first appointment without spending time playing phone-tag.

Or worse...

Team members tell you that they tried doing all the follow-up and wondering if...ANY of it actually happened or not?

Online registration
Automatic appointment reminders.
Digital waivers signed before prospects walk in the door.


Website integration,
trial registration, online appointments, and much more.


Automatic billing, past-due follow-up, unlimited memberships & billing plans.


Higher retention rates, keep members longer, and grow your active membership.

We've got your back

We're here for you. If you want to speak with us, message us , learn on your own, or schedule time with a specialist, we've got the support style you need.

& Email support

RainMaker Messaging

How-To Articles,
Videos, & Training

RainMaker Onboarding


Software & Apps that Grow Your Business

Powerful, Simple & Easy to Grow Your Membership

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